Jay Dunham
My web guy insists that I write up a short bio to let prospective clients know who I am and, in turn, why they should hire me. In pondering that task, I doubt anyone cares about the grades I earned in law school over 40 years ago or, for that matter, where I went to law school. I think prospective clients want to know about the here and now, whether I’m qualified to help them secure an employee benefit that has been denied and, if I am, how will I go about doing that. So:
I’ve practiced law for more than 40 years. My license has never been the subject of disciplinary proceedings or client complaints. I handled my first ERISA case - successfully - over 25 years ago and my practice has been concentrated in ERISA for over 18 years. I’ve handled hundreds of ERISA cases of almost all types and varieties.
In that time, I feel I’ve had more than my fair share of success. As a result, my reputation amongst the ERISA bench and bar is a good one - at least, I think it is - and, as an adjunct settlement judge for the United States District Court in Tulsa, federal judges frequently assign me the task of conducting settlement conferences in ERISA cases. I know who the defense lawyers are - at least, most of them - and they know me. These relationships are helpful in securing good results for clients, though ERISA cases are notoriously hard to win.
I do not charge to look at your case and give an opinion “from 30,000 feet”. That may take some time, because it will almost always require you to send me some paperwork - usually a denial letter from an insurance company - before I can offer an opinion. Also, this website has a form you can complete and if you complete and submit it, I will always respond.
If we agree to take your case you will normally have a varied choice of Attorney/Client contracts. Which you choose will largely depend on your particular financial situation and, to some extent, the nature and strength of your case.
Finally, for the record, I graduated from the University of Tulsa School of Law (“Harvard of the Midwest”) in 1978. And, like Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that.”